TECnology Hall of Fame

2007 Inductees and profiles
2006 Inductees and profiles
2005 Inductees and profiles
2004 Inductees and profiles

Hosted by the
Audio Engineering Society

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TECnology Hall of Fame 2008

The TEC Foundation for Excellence in Audio established the TECnology Hall of Fame in 2004 to honor and recognize audio products and innovations that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of audio technology. Inductees to the TECnology Hall of Fame are chosen by a panel of more than 50 recognized audio experts, including authors, educators, engineers, facility owners and other professionals. Products or innovations must be at least 10 years old to be considered for induction.

2008 TECnology Hall Fame Inductees

1898--Telegraphone Wire Recorder
1928--Western Electric 618A Dynamic Microphone
1928--Neumann CMV3 Condenser Microphone
1940--Shure Unidyne Model 55
1947--JBL D130 Loudspeaker
1948--Tannoy Dual Concentric Loudspeaker
1968--Universal Audio/UREI 1176 Peak Limiter
1968--API 550A Equalizer
1976--dbx 160 (VU) Compressor/Limiter
1977--Yamaha NS-10M Speakers
1978--Studer A800 Multitrack
1980--Trident Series 80 Console
1983--Kurzweil 250
1990--Opcode Studio Vision
1990--CEDAR—Computer Enhanced Digital Audio Restoration

For description and photos of the inductees, click here.




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